I am under water.
Jesus says, "I am Living Water."
I say, "It feels a lot like drowning."
I think Jesus smiles when I say that to Him.
Making water leak out my eyes and nose while I tumble under the wave weight,
Trying to get to the surface so I can breathe while my heart pounds in my ears.
I fight panic wrestling with Living Water while trying to rest in Him at once.
My wits have gone and all that's left is this desperate desire to get my feet on solid Rock.
I am under Water.
Living Water.
He says, "Drink of Me..."
And live,
This reminds me of one of my favorite songs from ages ago, "River God" by Nichole Nordeman. Have you ever heard it? Yes. It feels a lot like drowning. But maybe we never really choose to let go until we are drowning? I guess this is what's happened to me lately. I've surrendered to the raging flood because I couldn't keep my head above water anymore. And maybe I thought I'd stop breathing altogether but instead I find that I am freer, more hope-filled, and at peace. See this? You write my story before it even happens. I am grateful. For every part of you.