

Thursday, November 29, 2018


At Christmas time every year, the words "wonder" and "adore" pretty much take up my brain space.  Since we've just taken a look at what it really means to be Wonder Woman, what better time to segway into studying the word "WONDER?"  (Yes, this was my sinister plan.  Where was your lasso, girl?)

My friend Marie taught me how to study my Bible.  Do you have a friend like that?  Did you know that not everyone is born knowing how to do this?  I certainly wasn't!

Let's walk through the steps of her workshop to study this WONDERful word together.  Studying the Bible is such a great adventure!  And who knows that you don't need a little childlike wonder restored to you just this time of year?


First things first- get three definitions of your word.  (In this case, WONDER)  Use three separate dictionary sources, making sure that one of them is Noah Webster's 1828 version.  (This is free online, but the big, green book is one of the most delicious things I personally own.  I want you to have it.  I want everyone to have it.  I wish it was with me this very moment so I could open it and just smell the pages.)  Okay!  How's about a little focus, B???

All we are going to do today is look at the definition of 'Wonder.'  We don't want to be like Vincini in The Princess Bride now do we?  We don't want any giants in the land telling us... "I don't think this word means what you think it means."  Let's jump in and know our word...  and practice our reading skills, because this is the longest post in the entire universe!


From Noah Websters 1828 Dictionary
WONDERnoun [G., Gr., to show; and hence a sight; a panic.]
1. That emotion which is excited by novelty, or the presentation to the sight or mind, of something new, unusual, strange, great, extraordinary, or not well understood; something that arrests the attention by its novelty, grandeur or inexplicableness. wonder expresses less than astonishment, and much less than amazement. It differs from admiration, in not being necessarily accompanied with love, esteem or approbation, nor directed to persons. But wonder sometimes is nearly allied to astonishment, and the exact extent of the meaning of such words can hardly be graduated.
They were filled with wonder and amazement. Acts 3:10.
WONDER is the effect of novelty upon ignorance.
2. Cause of wonder; that which excites surprise; a strange thing; a prodigy.
To try things oft, and never to give over, doth wonders.
I am as a wonder to many. Psalms 71:7.
3. Any thing mentioned with surprise.
Babylon, the wonder of all tongues.
4. A miracle. Exodus 3:20.
WONDERverb intransitive To be affected by surprise or admiration.
I could not sufficiently wonder at the intrepidity of these diminutive mortals.
We cease to wonder at what we understand.

From American Heritage  Dictionary

won·der  (wŭndər)

a. The emotion aroused by something awe-inspiring, astounding, or surprising:gazed with wonder at the northern lights.
b. The quality that arouses such emotion: "Her long fair hair was girlish: and girlish, and touched with the wonder of mortal beauty, her face" (James Joyce).
a. One that arouses awe, astonishment, surprise, or admiration; a marvel: Given all his unhealthy habits, it's a wonder he's lived this long. She was a wonder in that movie.
b. often Wonder A monumental human creation regarded with awe, especially one of seven monuments of the ancient world that appeared on various lists of late antiquity.
a. An extraordinary or remarkable act or achievement: That teacher has worked wonders with these students.
b. An event inexplicable by the laws of nature; a miracle.

v. won·deredwon·der·ingwon·ders
1. To have a feeling of awe, astonishment, surprise, or admiration: We wondered at the ease with which she settled into her new job.
2. To be filled with curiosity or doubt: I could only wonder after hearing his excuse. I wondered about his late-night comings and goings.
To feel curiosity or be in doubt about: I wondered what kind of costume she would wear. I wondered why I said that.
Remarkable or extraordinary, especially in being beneficial: considers quinoa a wonder grain.
do wonders
To have a beneficial effect: This tonic will do wonders for you.
for a wonder
As a cause for surprise; surprisingly.

[Middle English, from Old English wundor.]

wonder·er n.

Synonyms: wonder, marvel, miracle, phenomenon
These nouns denote one that evokes amazement or admiration: saw the wonders of Paris; a marvel of modern technology; a miracle of culinary art; a phenomenon of medical science.

From Merriam Webster Learners Dictionary

1 wonder  /ˈwʌndɚ/  noun
plural wonders
Learner's definition of WONDER
[count] : something or someone that is very surprising, beautiful, amazing, etc.
[noncount] : a feeling caused by seeing something that is very surprising, beautiful, amazing, etc.
[singular] : something that is surprising or hard to believe

do/work wonders

: to help or improve something greatly

no wonder

 or small/little wonder
— used to say that something is not surprising

wonders never cease

— used to say that you are happy and surprised by something good that has happened

2 wonder  /ˈwʌndɚ/ verb
wonders; wondered; wondering
Learner's definition of WONDER
: to have interest in knowing or learning something : to think about something with curiosity
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] — used to ask a question or make a polite request
[no object] : to feel surprise or amazement
— often + at

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


How mad at me would you be, if I told you that I used that whole Wonder Woman series just to get to the point of doing a short little word study on the word...WONDER?  Come on now, it's officially Christmas, and I've waited for you for several weeks.


Jesus Christ left heaven for you.


He was born out of wedlock, and into shame for you.


He left his perfect home for you.


He knew he would be butchered and hung on a tree to be cursed...for you.


His love for you never -ever wavered.


His love never will...

His love never will.

Oh come let us adore Him,


Monday, November 26, 2018

Protect 'Em

Courage and Love

You don't have to be married or a mother to be Wonder Woman.  You just have to be in possession of the Holy Spirit's power to be brave in the face of danger and to love in ways that the world can't understand.  It takes the power of the Gospel to change the world.  It takes Wonder Women who are surrendered to God's will and God's Word.

Wonder Woman's quest is that every one would know they are loved by God.  That they are precious, that they are highly valued and...

That.  They.  Are.  Safe.  

Wonder Woman fights for the lives of the unborn - and the "unborn" again.  ("Do not be amazed that I told you that you must be born again." John 3:7)  Agh!  Why must I be born again????  Because... "You must be born again!" John 3:7

This is it now, Wonder Woman.  If you have surrendered to the power of the cross, you are a new creation in Christ, and you are mighty in Him.  He has given you everything you need for life in godliness.  My challenge is that you would start living your life for Jesus.  Put the old life behind you, and get yourself all in for the Gospel.  The world needs the good news that Jesus came to pay the price for our dead-with-sin lives to give us our greatest joy;   
We are free from the curse of death, and we are alive in Christ!  

Use your gold cuffs!  Use your lasso of truth!  Use your super strength, wisdom and power to love!

Let's do the work of God's Kingdom by rising up to the calling He has given us.

On our knees, ladies.

Where WONDER begins.

Bernadette --  (If you are not understanding the Gospel, if you are not understanding the Bible, if you are not understanding what sin is, if you are not understanding your religion, if you are not understanding being single, if you are not understanding marriage, if you are not understanding your sister- your mom- your daughter, or... if you are just not understanding.   BE CURIOUS!  ASK 'GOT QUESTIONS!')

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passsed away; behold, the new has come."  2 Corinthinas 5:17  

"His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence."  2 Peter 1:3

ps- A special note for my daughter-in-law who will never physically be an Amazon.  I see this image of you in my mind as you parent your son.   You are an Amazing mother.  You are Wonder Woman.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Change 'Em


The thing about embracing the cross, is that your life is never - ever the same.  When Wonder Woman surrenders her life to Jesus, everything begins to change.

Yes... everything.

Though she cannot understand it, she suddenly loves reading her Bible.  It actually makes sense to her.  She sees how it speaks to her every day.  "Oh my!  It's true!  The Book is alive!"

Wonder Woman begins to die to her selfish desires.  She begins to love people in ways she never could, or would.  She begins to put them first.  She begins to take the back seat.  She begins to walk the narrow road.  She develops a taste for humble pie.

Wonder Woman realizes that in laying down her dead life, she has gained the life of her dreams!  She is endowed with new power to understand, and she begins to find that the joy of the LORD is her supernatural strength!

Oh, baby do her priorities change.

Wonder Woman wakes up one morning and realizes.  "I love Jesus more than I love myself.  I love Him more than anything in all this world!  I feel almost as if I have been... born again!"

But then...

She learns that what Jesus said is true, true, true. (That's because He can never lie.)

"Then you will handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me."  Matthew 24:9

"Remember what I told you: 'A servant is not greater than his master.'  If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also... " John 15:20

"You will be hated by everyone because of me..." Matthew 10:22

"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first."  John 15:8

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth.  I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."  Matthew 10:34

And so it begins, Wonder Woman.  A life in Christ -  which means you are in a battle every day against evil.  You are fighting against the forces of the darkness- the very ones that cause the world to hate you for loving Jesus.  This is your new job.

Ain't it exciting?  Ain't you so tired of living your bored life???  Haven't you always wanted a quest and something in all the world worth really fighting for?

When you put your faith in Jesus, and trust in His absolute FINISHED work on the cross, it means you will suffer.  It means you will be rejected by your own family.  (You're going to lose a few.)  It means you will be persecuted, and it means the whole world will hate you.  (Christian... have you come out of your closet?  I promise that if you do, you will not be called brave.  You will not be called noble.  You will not be called open minded and free.  Get ready, now.  Count the cost.)

Wonder Woman is empowered by God to defend the defenseless and to fight for justice. She is no longer afraid.  She is able to live a life full of integrity, valor and courage.

Courage.  (I like to see the word 'rage' in there, don't you?)

As women who are saved by grace, in love with Christ, enabled and empowered by the Holy Spirit of the living God -- we do not fear.  We are not shrinking violets.  We armor up.  We've got each other's backs.  We see the flames rising, and we run to battle for our loved ones.  For our lost ones.

We over come by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony, and we care not for our own lives.

What can man do...

To Wonder Woman.


"Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."  Matthew 10:39

"For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."  Matthew 16:35

"For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospels will save it."  Mark 8:35

"For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it." Luke 9:24

"They triumped over him (that beast, satan) by the blood of the Lamb (Jesus Christ) and by the word of their testimony; (The incredible ways our lives our changed by the free gift of salvation!) they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death."  Revelation 12:11

"in God I trust and am not afraid.  What can man do to me?"  Psalm 56:11

-parenthetical statements are uninspired by me-

Wis- 'dem


"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding.  His praise endures forever!"  Psalm 111:10

Wonder Woman embraces The Gospel.

Gospel means 'Good News,' but Wonder Woman has to first come to an understanding of the 'Bad News.'

Wonder Woman understands that she has SINNED
-She is powerless to change her past.  Oh no!  What to do! She knows she has earned her place in Hell. 

She knows she is a SINNER
-There is nothing she can do about this.  She is trapped in this helpless state.  

And it is clear to Wonder Woman that she cannot stop SINNING.                              

-This breaks her heart.  She feels wrecked with hopelessness.  How can she ever get away from herself? What hope does she have to change?

Wonder Woman first embraces The Gospel by being convicted of SIN. 

-I know that some of you do not even know what sin is. Don't worry too much about this.  Jesus already knows, and you do not need to be embarrassed.  He would never embarrass you, but He does want to teach you.

Second, Wonder Woman embraces the Gospel by repenting of her sin.

This means she goes to the feet of Jesus and apologizes from the depth of her heart for what she has done.  She tells the LORD she is sorry - so sorry, and she asks Him to forgive her.  She does not cheapen His grace by making a one-time confession but spends the rest of her life as a repenting woman.  (Isn't that WONDERful?) She humbles herself.  She becomes soft in His hands and allows Jesus to remake her in His image.  Wonder Woman asks Jesus to be her King.  She bows her knee to God.  She confesses with her mouth.

"Jesus Christ is LORD!" 

Finally... Wonder Woman embraces the cross.

She knows that Jesus came to earth to die for her.  His thoughts as he hung butchered beyond recognition for her sin were... 'That woman is WONDERful.  She is worth it.  I give my life so that she can go free.  I give my suffering (which SHE deserves!) and my shame (which SHE deserves!) and I take the death penalty. (which SHE deserves!)  She deserves eternal punishment in hell, but what I want to give her instead, is eternal life with Me.  I love this WONDERful woman so much, I am willing to lay my life down in a grave for her.'   

-Be patient now.  Ask Jesus to help you understand this.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you know God.

One thing we know about Wonder Woman is that she is endowed with supernatural courage.  I personally have so much to say on this subject, but for now, I just want to humbly ask you to be brave.  Come back tomorrow and hear more about the Gospel.  Meanwhile.  Keep talking to Jesus in your car.  Try to tell Him something He doesn't already know.  (I mean it!  Try to shock Him!!!)

My prayer is that you would just allow these things to settle on you.  Just carry them around with you.  Don't get emotional, but apply your mind and spend some time really thinking about Jesus.

Let's reason through this together, yes?  Let's learn of Him.

He made you fearfully and WONDERfully, woman!

Don't you want to know Him?


Proverbs 1:7 - "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction."

Proverbs 4:7 - "The beginning of wisdom is this:  Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight."

Proverbs 9:10 - "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight."