"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!" Psalm 111:10
Gospel means 'Good News,' but Wonder Woman has to first come to an understanding of the 'Bad News.'
Wonder Woman understands that she has SINNED.
-She is powerless to change her past. Oh no! What to do! She knows she has earned her place in Hell.
She knows she is a SINNER.
-There is nothing she can do about this. She is trapped in this helpless state.
And it is clear to Wonder Woman that she cannot stop SINNING.
-This breaks her heart. She feels wrecked with hopelessness. How can she ever get away from herself? What hope does she have to change?
Wonder Woman first embraces The Gospel by being convicted of SIN.
-I know that some of you do not even know what sin is. Don't worry too much about this. Jesus already knows, and you do not need to be embarrassed. He would never embarrass you, but He does want to teach you.
Second, Wonder Woman embraces the Gospel by repenting of her sin.
This means she goes to the feet of Jesus and apologizes from the depth of her heart for what she has done. She tells the LORD she is sorry - so sorry, and she asks Him to forgive her. She does not cheapen His grace by making a one-time confession but spends the rest of her life as a repenting woman. (Isn't that WONDERful?) She humbles herself. She becomes soft in His hands and allows Jesus to remake her in His image. Wonder Woman asks Jesus to be her King. She bows her knee to God. She confesses with her mouth.
"Jesus Christ is LORD!"
Finally... Wonder Woman embraces the cross.
She knows that Jesus came to earth to die for her. His thoughts as he hung butchered beyond recognition for her sin were... 'That woman is WONDERful. She is worth it. I give my life so that she can go free. I give my suffering (which SHE deserves!) and my shame (which SHE deserves!) and I take the death penalty. (which SHE deserves!) She deserves eternal punishment in hell, but what I want to give her instead, is eternal life with Me. I love this WONDERful woman so much, I am willing to lay my life down in a grave for her.'
-Be patient now. Ask Jesus to help you understand this. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you know God.
One thing we know about Wonder Woman is that she is endowed with supernatural courage. I personally have so much to say on this subject, but for now, I just want to humbly ask you to be brave. Come back tomorrow and hear more about the Gospel. Meanwhile. Keep talking to Jesus in your car. Try to tell Him something He doesn't already know. (I mean it! Try to shock Him!!!)
My prayer is that you would just allow these things to settle on you. Just carry them around with you. Don't get emotional, but apply your mind and spend some time really thinking about Jesus.
Let's reason through this together, yes? Let's learn of Him.
He made you fearfully and WONDERfully, woman!

Don't you want to know Him?
Proverbs 1:7 - "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction."
Proverbs 4:7 - "The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight."
Proverbs 9:10 - "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight."
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