

Wednesday, December 5, 2018



Today I put my back out picking up a box of tomato sauce at Costco.  What is my problem???  I had to get help loading my groceries, and as I was sitting in my car trying not to cry, a bumper sticker caught my eye.


So many Christian... So few lions...

Recently, I found myself in a heap of trouble for telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. (I've been wanting to say "heap of trouble.")  I was relating to the Apostle Paul.  He speaks to the Galatians about surrendering their freedom and coming back into a yolk of slavery to the law.  He is frustrated ("You foolish Galatians!  Who has bewitched you?" Gal. 3:1) because they have given away what Christ sacrificed so much for them to have...  FREEDOM.  "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.."  Galatians 5:1 (WONDERful!)

The Apostle Paul gets a little rough with the Galatians in his frustration because he can't believe they are giving away their freedoms in Christ!  After scolding them Paul says,  "Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?"  Galatians 4:16

I want you to know something.

Jesus Christ could not have paid a greater price for your freedom.  He told the truth about your sin, and He did it with His life because He loves you.

Has he now become your enemy?

Jesus came to tell you a grave truth about yourself, and...

He was laid in a grave that had your name on it.


Don't you ever just... WONDER???

Because He loves you, girl!   He wants you to respond to His kindness with repentance.  He doesn't want you to respond by saying, "So many Christians, So few lions." No, no, no.  He wants you to know that the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself in love.  (Gal. 5:6)

He wants you to respond by giving the life He has given you back to Him.  He wants you to bend your stiff neck! (Stiff back, hello B?))  Bend your knee.  Bow to Jesus.

I'm praying that you would have ears to hear.  I'm praying.

You'd rather face a pride of hungry lions.  Yes.  You would.

Than The King of Kings whom you reject out of your own pride.

And the thing is... you will face Him one day.

I'm wondering if you're ready.
Because I don't want you to perish, you see?

Christmas is here, and I'm asking you to think about these things.  Apply your mindand just... wonder about Jesus.

Are you offended by Him?  Are you offended by His people?

When I told my husband about the bumper sticker, he just looked at me with a big smile on his face.  I smiled back at him.  Increasingly, our culture wants to throw Christians to the lions, but we do not fear.  We have placed our trust in the Lamb of God, and we know...

The Lion of Judah is coming again soon,


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