

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Word Study Workshop

Thanks to today's guest author and the woman who taught me to study my Bible.  Below is the Word Study Workshop as taught by Marie Newman. Print this out for your benefit, and follow along with me tomorrow as we move into week two of studying "WONDER." 
Knowing how to study your Bible is going to change your life!

Word Study Workshop

Week 1.  Introduction
Proverbs 2:1-11 
Key passage for this whole study
What is a word study? 
·       Bible study where we study God’s word using the Bible and reference materials in the context of studying a single word or topic of choice.
Why a word study?
·       Personal – study a word that you are personally interested in
·       Practical – will affect your life on many levels
·       Productive – you learn systematically and methodically about a word as you go through the steps.  Each step takes you to a deeper level of understanding
·       Uses the whole Word of God from Genesis to Revelation
·       In-depth Bible study is like an ocean – the deeper you go the more brilliant it becomes! Takes a longer season to complete (to get to the bottom of your study/word) but oh so worth it to find the wealth of treasure laying there in plain sight
·       Studying God’s word with a humble and teachable heart leads to a relationship with God that is centered on true knowledge
·       Fruit bearing Bible study. You’ll be changed and the results will be visible (2 Tim 4:15)
·       Organizes your mind
o   Replaces worldly concepts with Godly truth
o   Diligent search will lead to God
o   Gain the mind of Christ
o   Gain Biblical and Godly world view
·       Transforms your heart
o   Change is a work of the Lord as you spend time with Him and His word
o   He is powerful and desires to do it
o   Sow time, energy and surrender into the study and reap transformation
o   Fall in love with the Lord
·       Equips us for our future
o   Knowledge
o   Wisdom/understanding
o   Discretion
o   Mind of Christ
·       Principle of reaping what you sow
o   Put in the time and effort and reap a harvest
o   Commit to a season of sowing
o   Experience the truth of the principle.

Research Project
·       Bible
o   Study Bible preferred due to its concordance and cross references.  Study can be completed without it if you have access to a concordance
·       Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance (available online)
·       Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary (available online)
o   First American dictionary
o   Written from a Christian perspective vs the humanistic perspective available today
·       Three Ring Binder
o   Gives you a place to collect your research
o   Allows you to reorganize your research as necessary
o   Separate pages for each step of the process
o   Separate pages for New and Old testament or categories
o   Notes Page to document any thoughts, connections, comments, books, etc.
Choosing your word
·       Pray and listen to what the Lord is leading you to choose
o   Something you want to learn more about/curiosity
§  Might play a minor role in your life
o   Something you want to become an expert on
§  Might play a major role in your life
o   Something you could expand on as you grow
·       Endless possibilities
·       God is the author/creator of everything.  You’ll find Him & truth when you search with all your heart.
·       During the process, look up your word in your concordance and note how references are listed.  10-20 make up a well-rounded study.
Two Ground Rules:
1.     No commentaries or study notes in Study Bibles
2.     No sharing from the “outside” (sermons, books, etc.) but only what God is teaching you personally
For Next week:
1.     Carefully and prayerfully consider a word to study
2.     Note any obstacles you had in choosing your word on your Notes page
3.     Come to class with your word choice and three dictionary definitions hand written out
a.     Noah Webster’s 1828, 1st American Dictionary (
b.     Children’s dictionary
c.     Collegiate dictionary
4.     Underline any nouns or verbs that stand out to you.
a.     May want to define those this week as well if particularly interesting to you
b.      Always feel free to underline and highlight anything in your notebook that stands out to you
5.     Bring a concordance to class next week
6.     Be prepared to share something you learned from the small act of defining your word
Week 2: Concordance
Proverbs 2:1-11 (especially 4-5), 2 Timothy 2:15
This week we’re going to find where in the Bible God mentions your word and write out the verses that are appropriate to your study.
What is a concordance?
·       Alphabetical index of words used in the Bible and main Biblical references where the word occurs
·       Useful in locating passages in the Bible
·       Short list in most Bibles but we’ll use a longer list next week from the Strong’s Concordance
·       Translation specific
For next week:
1.     Look your word up in the concordance
2.     Read each reference
3.     Prayerfully and carefully choose which verses you will include in your study.
a.     May need to use them all
b.     May need to cull some out
c.     May need to refine your word choice
4.     Categorize your verses at least by Old testament usage and New Testament usage onto separate pieces of paper
5.     Possibly categorize the different uses of your word according to what they mean
6.     Write them all out in one color of ink, skipping a line or two between verses.  Be diligent.
7.     Underline your word in each verse
8.     Read over your verses daily to obtain a real feel for the meaning of your word
9.     Read them in context (with the surrounding paragraph(s))
10.  Prayerfully categorize and/or discard the ones that don’t relate to your study
11.  Make personal notes on that page or on your Notes page.
12.  Notice patterns and principles.
a.     Begin considering them in relation to your life and applying them – take notes!
b.     Continue to categorize
c.     May need to wait on some for a deeper study (make note of it so you don’t forget!)
13.  Lots of writing this week – don’t give up!
14.  Be prepared to share a verse that spoke to you on a new level

Week 3: Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and Lexicons
Matthew 6:33, I Timothy 4:15
Why Strong’s Concordance?
·       Exhaustive – includes every single word used in the Bible, every time!
·       Based on the King James Version of the Bible
o   First English translation of the Bible
o   Your word in the NIV may not be the same as was originally translated into English
o   May include more or less references than you found in your personal concordance
What is a Lexicon?
·       Numeric dictionary of words in the Hebrew and Greek languages
·       Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew and the New Testament was originally written in Greek.  We want to get to the meaning of how our word was used in its original language. 
How do we use this tool? (Homework for next week):
·       Find your word in the Strong’s concordance
·       Find each verse you have written out
o   If you can’t find some of your verses, then you’ll need to look the verse up in a KJV and find the word that represents your word in that verse. After you have found which word represents your word, look that one up in the Strong’s.
·       Notice the number to the right of the references
o   This is the number you will use to look up the definition in the appropriate Lexicon.
o   These numbers represent Hebrew & Greek words that we don’t know how to read, spell or understand.  They represent the original word used that was translated into the English word in that verse.
o   Remember Hebrew for the O.T. and Greek for the N.T.
·       Look up your O.T. words, by number, in the Hebrew Lexicon.  You’ll find it immediately behind the concordance. Do the same for your N.T. words in the Greek Lexicon which happens to follow the Hebrew one.
·       Write down the lexicon number and definitions on your lexicon sheets.
o   Use separate pages for the Old Testament and New Testament definitions
o   Include as much information in your definition as you can understand from the lexicon 
§  Write the English pronunciation of the original word.
§  Include synonyms and antonyms
§  There is a glossary of abbreviations at the beginning of each lexicon to help you interpret them.
o   Note the original meaning of your word on your hand-written verses page, just above your word, and in a different color of ink.  You may want to add the original word instead of the English translation for this.
·       Note any new nuance from your word
·       Note any increase in depth or breadth of your word
·       Take notes on your Notes page or your Lexicon pages
·       Be prepared to share an insight found from using the lexicons

Week 4: Meditation
Introduce Vines Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words
Psalm 1:1-3, Psalm 19:1-14
Time to shift gears from researching to putting it together in your mind
·       Likely been happening all along as you’ve done your research and categorized your findings
·       Your word is on your mind as you’re doing dishes or driving etc…  Are you writing them down?
·       Your Notes pages(s) will attest to your thoughts along the way
·       Define “meditate” in Noah Webster’s 1828
o   To dwell on, to contemplate, to study, to turn or revolve in the mind
o   Not emptying your mind but using your mind to concentrate on your subject and the Lord
·       Notice the patterns and begin to ask yourself deeper questions about what you’re seeing
·       Listen to the Lord – what is He saying through His word and your study of it
o   Notice how it makes you feel and write that down
o   Notice how your worldly perspective is being replaced by truth
·       Notice your word in your daily life and how it keeps showing up
o   Conversations, books, radio, television                
o   Experiences, observations
o   Connections, principles
o   Practical application, Personal application
·       Is God revealing another word for you to study after this? Write it down!
This is a set-apart time for God to start working on your heart. Without all the busywork, you’ll have time to sit with Him, worship Him for who He is and all He has done and for all He is teaching you. Meditation can bring many different results.  Take time this week to notice your own personal response to your study and deal with it with the Lord.  He is already working his transformation process within you. Let Him have His way.
For next week:
1.     Pray – Begin each day’s study in prayer asking for a humble, teachable heart
a.     For eyes to see and ears to hear
b.     To gain wisdom and discretion far and above mere head knowledge                                        
                                               i.     So you’ll know what to do and how to do it
                                             ii.     So you’ll know how God wants you to be
c.     To be transformed. Truly changed from the inside out. This is the goal!
                                               i.     Caterpillar to butterfly type change
                                             ii.     Not just a tweak but to become like Jesus!
2.     Re-read ALL your pages this week and your verses daily
3.     Take more notes. Write down your observations from the following
a.     The Scriptures you’ve recorded and reviewed for weeks now
b.     Connections between different verses
c.     Practical application – How your word applies to your particular circumstances
d.     Personal application – Note personal convictions and your response to them
e.     Overall principles of your word                  
4.     Come back ready to share something you’ve learned about this process of meditation
Week 5:  Cross Referencing
Hebrews 4:12
A more subjective research week for a deeper understanding of your word using the whole of Scripture
You’ll need a Bible that lists cross references down the center or side columns of the pages
As always, PRAY before you begin!  You want and need the Holy Spirit to guide you
·       So you get where He wants you to go
·       So you’ll find more patterns to the meaning of your word
·       So you’ll find a deeper understanding of your word and why you’re studying that particular one
Choose a verse to begin with
·       With one that resonates deeply with you
·       With the verse that speaks to your need most specifically
·       With a verse that has been difficult to understand so far
·       With a verse that intrigues you
Follow the cross references that you find both attached to your word and to others in the verse. Continue your search by cross-referencing those verses and so on, and so on, and so on…
·       May find yourself on a few rabbit trails. 
o   These are good! 
o   Not time wasters
·       Keep asking the Holy Spirit to lead you through this activity
·       Not meant to be mechanical but personal
o   You’re hear for a reason.  Find it.
Keep track of the trail
·       Take notes on where you started, where you went and where you landed at the end
·       Take notes on any new discoveries you found
For next week:
1.     Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance
2.     Choose at least three verses to cross reference
3.     Take good notes so that you can follow those trails again
4.     Remember: We’re not only looking for factual knowledge on a subject but we’re looking for Jesus and desiring Him to change us into His likeness.
5.     Come prepared to share what you learned
a.     New discoveries
b.     New correlations
c.     New connections
6.     Have fun!

Week 6:  Application
Proverbs 22:17-21
·       Practical part of understanding your word
·       Where the rubber meets the road
·       Where the truths found during your study become personal
o   As you apply the truth to your life
o   As your character develops and becomes more Godly
Understanding the process
·       Has your understanding of your word increased?
o   Deeper understanding of your word
o   Deeper understanding of God’s word
o   Deeper understanding of who God is and how He relates with us
o   Caused you to realize you only understand a drop in the bucket of full understanding
·       Do you now have a curiosity about other words or topics?
·       Reference tools
o   Dictionary – importance of defining your word well
o   Concordance
o   Hebrew & Greek Lexicons
o   Cross References
·       Meditation
Transformation through application
As we acquire the mind of Christ, we’re looking for transformation of the heart, mind and will.
Romans 12:2
Define Transform:
·       To be changed in form, to be metamorphosed
·       Caterpillar to butterfly
·       Lead to gold
·       Transformation occurs when we apply the truth, like body lotion, to our lives
o   Layer by layer
o   Rough skin at first but it smooths out when we apply it layer by layer
o   Softens us to the Lord as we continue to apply His truth to our lives layer by layer
o   The more seriously we apply God’s word, the deeper we absorb it
o   May take a long investment of time
o   We reap what we sow
·       Our word becomes personal to us - so much more than head knowledge
o   We develop wisdom as we practice what we’re learning
o   We learn from our experiences
o   Dry facts turn to life-giving truths
o   What good is knowing quite a bit about our word (head knowledge)?
o   Makes us appear educated, smart and possibly spiritual
o   Knowing about the Bible doesn’t usually draw others to the Bible or to the Lord.  Changed lives do.  Therefore, application is fruit bearing.
o   Looking for transformation of our lives - Become more like Jesus
·       Heart Change
o   Changes how you see everything and everyone
o   Life becomes powerful and effective for the Lord
o   Your life becomes interesting instead of dry and anemic
o   Ultimately your life draws others to God
o   Result of applying God’s word to your life
o   God will be the one to cause the transformation
§  He is the potter, we are the clay
§  We transform into something useful and beautiful when we allow Him to have His way with us
For next week:
Please consider the following:
·       Always begin with an open, surrendered heart in prayer to the Lord
·       What does God have for you through your study of one word in the whole Word of God?
o   A deeper understanding of God
o   A deeper understanding of who you are
o   A clearer perspective on your relationship with Him
·       Do you want to become more like Him?
o   What will that require?
o   What will need to change in your life?
§  Opinions
§  Habits
§  Heart
§  Mind
§  Will
o   Does your character reflect His or are there areas in your life you need to repent of?
·       Is the Lord shaking/removing a stronghold in your life? Are you willing to obey?
·       What role do you see your word playing in your life?
o   Do you want to be known by your word?
o   Will it help you be a leader?
o   Will it give you a platform to speak on?
o   Will it help you when you’re relating to someone who is struggling?
o   Will you begin a ministry?
·       Think creatively
o   Is the Lord showing you a better way than traditional or common application?
o   Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  We don’t want to miss anything He has for us!
§  Spend time with Him this week, meditating on Him and all you have been learning
§  Dwell on today’s lesson and all the previous notes you’ve taken.
·       What does the Lord have for you?
Week 7:
I Peter 3:15
Define “communication” from Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
We know we have mastered something when we can communicate it clearly to someone else.  We now have the opportunity to do just that. 
·       Don’t allow this to upset you
·       Opportunity to give glory to the Lord for all He has shown you
·       Brings closure to the Bible study
·       Nobody expects perfection
·       Safe environment
·       We’ll witness how all our words overlap in the full truth of the Scriptures
·       You won’t want to miss this final week
·       Speak from an outline
·       Speak from PowerPoint
·       Write out an essay form and read aloud
·       Painting
·       Letter
·       Poem
·       Music
For next week:
1.     Ask the Lord what He would like you to share
2.     Ask Him for wisdom believing that He’ll give it to you
3.     Read through your notebook of research and notes
4.     Mark and highlight anything you might want to include
5.     Keep it personal
6.     Choose your own style for how you’ll communicate to the rest of the class
7.     Just do it

Week 8
Final Sharing
Proverbs 2:1-11
The culmination of eight weeks of personal in-depth Bible study
·       We spent the last 8 weeks looking, searching, calling out, storing up, applying our hearts
·       We dove into the ocean, head first
·       We willingly and happily opened our lives up to the Lord and His word
·       Now we get to see the fruit
o   Hear the lessons learned
o   The changed hearts
o   The transformation of lives

Eight weeks might just be the tip of an iceberg for your subject matter.  We had to keep it short in order to accomplish all the steps in eight weeks.  Now you can decide if you want to go deeper.
·       You might want to begin by defining the nouns and verbs that were in your original definitions…
·       You might have another word you want to study in-depth
o   Topic
o   Attribute of God
o   Name
o   Character
o   Book of the Bible
2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Biblical discipleship and self-education thoroughly equips us for every good work.  Opportunities to use what we’ve learned will come up and now you have been prepared by the Lord Himself for whatever comes your way.
God bless you as you walk intimately with Him.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 


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