

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Dream of Heaven

I run with Jesus.
Give Him my hand.
My whole heart.

I trust Him.
With violent fervor.

We fly across meadows of wild flowers.
Over the mountains.
We play in the surf of wave clouds.
Just because He knows that I love them.

I reach up to touch my Father's face.
Tell Him.
"Thank You, Papa."

I kiss his cheeks and...
What do tears of joy look like in heaven?
Precious veil torn in two.
So we can be one.

Jesus loves bigger than any grave.
And I will never, ever be afraid again.
Never ashamed.
Never hang my head.
In the sin noose.

Just run and run and run.
And laugh and twirl and dance for the King.
Because all praise belongs to Him.
The One Who lives and breathes and LOVES to set His daughters free.

Do you know Him yet?
He says that if you seek Him with all your heart.
He will allow Himself to be found by you.
Oh, to be found by Jesus.

Never the same.
Never ever the same.
A new creation in Christ.

Born again,


1 comment:

  1. "Precious veil torn in two. So we can be one." YES. Your words here are filling me with longing for that day of "being one" with Him who made us.
