

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Holding Fast

The StrongSoft already has our chairs pushed together and coffee in my cup when I come sleepy down the stairs.  She is excited.  I grab my bible, and we sit quiet for a time before she asks if I will read.  We start in Luke and I take my time.  No need to rush through the Word to get to His rushing wind.  We bow our heads.  She says, "Mom, do you want to hold hands?"  We lace our fingers, hold fast, and go to our Father.

Fasting and praying with my seventeen year old daughter, and my heart is undone.  We hold the things that we've been talking about up to the light, and let Him shine through.  We talk, excited, about what He has done here,  wonder what He will do.  With us.

I hold her sweaty hand and want to hold her heart in mine forever.  Hold this moment.



1 comment:

  1. So beautiful that you and your daughter are praying, fasting, and feasting on Him together. Longing for a bit of this in my own life, praying that someday I'll be a wife and a mother and there'll be this kind of journey for us together. Your story gives me hope today.

    Favorite line from this one: "No need to rush through the Word to get to His rushing wind." Oh, such truth. Every word of His Word is a gift and I need to remember that.
