Oh that sinking feeling.
When I have disappointed my mom.
My sisters.
My brothers.
My friends.
Give me an animal skin because...
I am an animal.
And I howl fear sometimes.
"Will they love me?"
I reach for His hand.
"Jesus did You hear?"
"And are you still here?"...
He whispers quiet, and hushes this quaking life.
This crumpled ball of words that I want to hide.
"Where have all the fig leaves gone?"
Oh, Friend. This poem is stunning and my heart is grieving with you. I know that howling fear--wanting so desperately to be loved and kept, not abandoned and discarded. We all fail, Friend. ALL. And we are all left feeling exposed, longing for something to cover the shame. It's Him, sweet Friend. He covers the shame with Himself. Bury yourself in Him and BELIEVE that you are forgiven and loved. Always. Praying, praying, praying.